Made on the Left Markets – Terms and Conditions
Made on the Left stallholders agree to comply with the terms and conditions outlined on this website, in the market application forms and accompanying documents.
You certify that the products you intend to sell at the event are your own design.
You certify that all goods are handmade by you, or manufactured for you, in Western Australia.
You consent to allow Made on the Left use of your images and information for publicity purposes.
You will ensure that all products sold by you comply with appropriate Fair Trading legislation and will not be illegal or pornographic in nature.
You accept that no responsibility for your goods or valuables will be taken by the event organizers or the management of the venue.
You accept that stallholder fee payment is required within 14 days of notification from Made on the Left Committee of acceptance as a stallholder for an event.
You accept that withdrawal from the event will result in a forfeit of any paid stallholder fees. No refunds will be give for withdrawal by a stallholder. Where the event is cancelled by Made on the Left due to extenuating circumstances, a 50% refund will be provided to stallholders.
Stalls must be ready prior to the event’s opening time, and stalls must remain open until the event’s closing time.
Decisions made by the Made on the Left Committee are final, and no correspondence will be entered into.